3 min read

What is hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is a complete antenatal education programme that teaches expectant parents about what their bodies are truly capable of during childbirth. It encourages the use of natural instincts to bring about a safer, easier, and more comfortable birthing experience.
What is hypnobirthing?

Through easily-learned self-hypnosis, visualisation, relaxation, and breathing exercises, hypnobirthing helps parents approach birth calmly and fearlessly, regardless of the type of birth they are planning.

"I really wanted to do my best to create the most positive experience I could. For me, that was a natural and calm birth." - Katie's Birth Story

The core principles of hypnobirthing include:

  • Education about the physiology of birth
  • Relaxation techniques to reduce fear and tension
  • Breathing methods for labour and birth
  • Visualisation and positive affirmations
  • Birth partner involvement and support
"I guess I just felt completely different going into this - much more relaxed, much less frightened." - Kate's Home Birth Story

The Wise Hippo Birthing Programme

The Wise Hippo Birthing Programme is a specific hypnobirthing course that I teach. It's designed to empower parents with knowledge and techniques for a positive birth experience.

"Such a positive experience, something I didn't think would be possible after such a traumatic birth with our first baby." - Cara's Birth Story

Here's what's included in the programme:

Class One: Foundation for Confident Birthing

  • The Wise Hippo ethos
  • Current childbirth culture
  • Understanding hypnosis and its role in birthing
  • The physiology of birth and the impact of fear
  • Mind-body connection in childbirth
  • Techniques for managing thoughts and emotions
"I recall having my contractions and imagining myself rowing over waves in a little rowing boat! I had my little cabin on a pebbly beach, tucked down in a cove for when I needed to relax and escape." - Fiona's Birth Story

Class Two: Relaxation and Birth Preparation

  • Relaxation as a tool for comfort during birth
  • Various positions for relaxation
  • Breathing techniques
  • Self-hypnosis & other relaxation methods
  • Anchoring positive states
  • Birth partner's role

Class Three: Preparing for Your Unique Birth

  • Prenatal bonding
  • Optimal positioning for your baby
  • Physical preparations for birth
  • Birth planning
  • Discussion of medical interventions
  • Fear release techniques
"I'd always thought of birth as something that would require total sensory deprivation and lots of drugs. [After hypnobirthing], your body just does kind of take over and you just have to go with it. You just have to trust what your body's doing." - Helen's Birth Story

Class Four: Bringing It All Together

  • Soothing touch techniques
  • Positions for active birth
  • Understanding pelvic anatomy and movement
  • Techniques for the birthing phase
  • Detailed exploration of the birth partner's role
  • Practical application of techniques during labour and birth
  • Postpartum care and bonding

The Wise Hippo programme emphasises that "the right birth on the day" is the perfect birth. It prepares parents for various scenarios while focusing on maintaining a positive mindset throughout the birthing process.

By learning and practising these techniques, parents can approach their baby's birth with confidence, calmness, and a sense of empowerment, regardless of how their birthing journey unfolds.

What Makes The Wise Hippo Different?

As your instructor, I bring a unique blend of scientific understanding and holistic approaches to your birth preparation. With over 15 years of experience teaching hypnobirthing and a background in biological sciences, I offer comprehensive support that goes beyond standard antenatal education (find out more about my background, experience and approach here).

"Thanks so much Claire, it's been brilliant for both [my partner] and I." - Cara's Birth Story

Ready to Begin Your Journey?

Whether you're seeking a natural birth, preparing for a hospital delivery, or hoping to heal from a previous difficult birth experience, hypnobirthing can help you approach your baby's birth with confidence and calm.

Book a Complimentary 30-Minute Discovery Call to learn more about how hypnobirthing can support your unique birth journey.