Perfect Timing: Paige's Birth Story
The Path to Preparation
What made Paige and Ben's preparation journey extra special was their enthusiastic four-legged family member who clearly loved our sessions. During our private hypnobirthing practice in their home, their dog would eagerly join us, particularly during relaxation time. She'd contentedly flop down beside me, rolling onto her back with paws in my lap, completely blissed out in the peaceful atmosphere we were creating.
This dedicated preparation included daily practice with MP3s, birth affirmations, and carefully curated birth music - tools that would prove invaluable during birthing. "Listening to my MP3s every day for months beforehand, my affirmations, labour music playlist... helped me through the whole way," Paige shares.
The Birth Journey
Matilda's birth began when Paige's waters broke at 5:30 pm on her due date. The couple waited at home through the early stages, allowing labour to establish naturally before heading to Winchester hospital around 11 pm.
Once at the hospital, Paige found comfort in the birthing pool, labouring in the water for several hours. She combined various comfort measures throughout her labour, including a TENS machine and gas and air when needed. This flexibility in approach demonstrates how hypnobirthing preparation empowers parents to make informed choices about what feels right in the moment.
Listening to Her Body
After pushing for 90 minutes in the pool, Paige demonstrated remarkable body awareness by recognising her need for a change. Around 7:30 am, she made the decision to leave the water and try different positions. This intuitive choice proved effective - within an hour, Matilda made her entrance into the world.
The birth unfolded naturally with minimal intervention, resulting in just a small graze. Following their birth preferences, the couple opted for delayed cord clamping, allowing for optimal blood transfer to their newborn.
One of the beautiful benefits of such a peaceful birth experience became apparent immediately after Matilda's arrival. "Tillie latched on straight away," Paige shares - a precious first moment of bonding that set a positive tone for their feeding journey. Many mothers can find those first feeds challenging, but when both mother and baby are calm and unhurried after birth, they're often better positioned to begin this new relationship naturally.
A Positive Start
Despite the intensity of the experience - or as Paige humorously puts it, feeling "like I'd been hit by a train afterwards" - the family was able to return home the same afternoon. This quick recovery and discharge speaks to the gentle nature of their birth experience.
Looking back, Paige emphasises the transformative impact of their hypnobirthing preparation: "I couldn't imagine ever going into that experience without having been prepared from our Hypnobirthing course - thank you from the bottom of our hearts for teaching us all that you knew!"
Her enthusiasm for the approach shines through in her reflection that "Hypnobirthing should be compulsory pre parenthood" - while of course every parent chooses their own path, Paige's words reflect just how valuable she found these techniques in creating her positive birth experience.
Are you pregnant and hoping to create your own positive birth experience? Learn more about the hypnobirthing courses I offer and discover how you can prepare for your own empowering birth journey.
First Birth | Hospital Birth | Natural Birth | Water Birth