2 min read

From Skeptic to Believer: Lisa's Birth Story

Fear often shapes our first views of birth. For Lisa, an initial dismissal of hypnobirthing would become a journey of discovery, leading her to find strength that transformed both her birth experience and into motherhood beyond.
From Skeptic to Believer: Lisa's Birth Story

The Path to Discovery

As her pregnancy progressed, hypnobirthing kept appearing in Lisa's path. "The more I read, the more it made sense to me" she recalls. Her curiosity led her to Marie Mongan's book on hypnobirthing, which she devoured in a single sitting while on holiday. The principles and ethos resonated so deeply that they completely changed her perspective.

"To me, hypnobirthing made perfect sense," Lisa shares, "and I'm sure I bored all my friends and family senseless harping on about how amazing it was!" This enthusiasm marked a remarkable transformation from her earlier fears - fears that had been so intense she couldn't even bring herself to read the labour sections in pregnancy books.

Discovering Inner Strength

Through hypnobirthing preparation, Lisa found what she describes as "a comfort blanket, giving me strength and confidence in my baby and my body to do what they were supposed to do." Through this journey, she connected with an inner wisdom and strength that would empower her not only through birthing but into motherhood beyond. The change in her approach was noticeable to everyone around her, including her partner, who was amazed by her newfound calmness and fearlessness as her due date approached.

The breathing techniques, relaxation practices, and positive affirmations helped Lisa feel genuinely excited about bringing her baby into the world. Her confidence grew so much that she decided to plan a home birth with a birthing pool - a far cry from her initial terror.

When her time came, Lisa found the breathing techniques invaluable, helping her manage over ten hours without pain relief. "The breathing techniques took me into my own little world and helped me focus when surges came," she remembers.

Though her journey took an unexpected turn and a transfer to hospital became necessary, Lisa remained calm and centred throughout. Baby Josh Dylan Willoughby was born with ventouse assistance at 15:10 on November 16, 2010.

Looking back on her experience, Lisa reflects: "Although my birth didn't go exactly to plan, having hypnobirthing in my back pocket meant that at no point was I fearful. Thank you to Claire who inspired confidence and calm at every step of the way, whilst educating us that we DO have choices and that your labour should be as special and individual as the child being brought into the world because of it."

Her journey from sceptic to confident mother beautifully demonstrates how hypnobirthing can help women discover a deep trust in themselves and their bodies' innate capabilities. Through this preparation, Lisa found a calmness and confidence she hadn't known before - resources that would prove invaluable not just during birth, but in her journey into motherhood.

Are you pregnant and curious about how hypnobirthing could help you prepare for birth? Learn more about upcoming courses here or book a complimentary 30-minute call to discover how you can prepare for your own empowering birth journey.

Assisted Birth | First Birth | Home Labour | Hospital Birth | Hospital Birth